name :Klaudia
age :19
pronouns :She/Her
mbti :INTP

You can know me about my AI bots and arts, I'll let everyone share both if you add credit that say it is from me and if you can please add my link aswell!

I am open to everything! I welcome feedback/opinions in all forms regarding my bots and arts, whether positive or negative; But please be ethical!
Since English is not my first language and I'm a busy person, sometimes I can't notice a mistake, so I welcome opinions on how to fix it or what the problem/wrong is! Of course, it's also nice to be praised! ^^"
But I'm open to other things too; I can make ai bots on request(for free) or if you just want to chat, my dms are always open!
If you have a request, contact me or do it anonymously!

discord :ironicinnit
janitor.ai :ironicinnit
instagram :zo.dia.cus
ao3 :zodiacus

About my bots: Mostly my bots are fictional characters from a game/movie/series/book/manga/ect. That way, when you start the conversation with them, they have the backstory, personality and style already given by canon!
⚠️The bot can change during the conversation if you write a few lines in the name of the bot! Or if you write something about the bot in the Chat Memory!
Janitor.AI: Janitor AI is a smart chatbot built using the latest artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Here you can interact with different types of characters created by other users, or create your own. Thanks to its top-notch Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, Janitor AI can chat just like a human. Janitor.AI offers the possibility to set the speech style of the ready-made bot (be creative or logical; in addition to these, how much should it write on average).
Most of the bots on this website are more complicated and elaborate than those found on character.ai, for example so they are much more personal, much more human-like. In addition to these, the site offers the possibility of free and unlimited nsfw use; which you can set when searching for a bot so that it only gives up ones that are NSFW(Limitless) or SFW(Limited)!
"How ai bots works?": An AI chatbot is an online program that can simulate human-like customer interactions on mobile apps and websites through the use of NLP and Machine Learning. They are designed to understand a user's intent, preferences, and needs without the involvement of a human operator.

Important information: If you use one of my "real" tagged bot, please note that I did not create the bot to sexualize that person! And to everyone who uses the bot, I would like to ask you not to sexualize them irl and in public! It's so cringe and they are going to hate you guys for it! It's understandable if you find them handsome/pretty or something, but it's very disgusting if you harass them with it and you post it on your public site!
So please, use these bots, but remember, these are not the real persons, you can't talk with a real person like that!